Sunday 30 June 2013

How colors can impact us? Some simple facts about colors

Color impacts us the most in fashion. Have you ever wondered there is psychology behind colors?

Here are some psychology facts behind colors and how we could make use of them

Red - increases physical energy, vitality, stamina, grounding, spontaneity, stability, passion

Orange - stimulates creativity, productivity, pleasure, optimism, enthusiasm, emotional expression

Yellow - Increases fun,humor, lightness, personal power, intellect,logic, creativity

Green - supports balance, harmony, love, communication,social, nature, acceptance

Blue-Indigo - increases calmness,peace, love, honesty, truth, inner peace,emotional depth, devotion

Violet - stimulates intuition, imagination, universal flow, meditation, artistic qualities

white - purity,cleanliness, precision, innocence, sterility

black - power, sexuality,sophistication,elegance

As we venture out next time around choosing fashion, furnishings, we may consider the impact of
the colors or what would we like to stimulate.

How about having a range of colors in our wardrobe and mix them for the occassions.

For now lets have fun.

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